After recent productions of Jack and the Beanstalk and Cinderella, SSA Drama returns with another take on a classic tale – and this year they present Sleeping Beauty!
The production will play from the 15th – 18th January 2014 at Malley Hall, Alderbrook School. Tickets will be on sale soon (keep your eyes peeled for more information soon!)
Rehearsals are now underway and the production is going well, and we look forward to another dose of SSA Drama’s magic in the New Year!
Princess Talia – Lucy Williams
King Henry – Steve Carey
Queen Olivia – Angela Ingram
Phillip the Royal Announcer – Pete Bailiss
Dame Doris – Thom Faulkner
Bubbles – Elliott Sayers
Gordon the Grumpy Gardener – Simon King
Willow – Emma Doran
Betty – Melody Faulkner
Beatrice – Beth Hughes
Igor – Matt Fitzgerald
Prince George – Jack Bushell
Tommy – Stephen Head
Timmy – Sam Marshall
Chorus – Chloe Cardin-Stewart, Sarah Rakotonirina, Emma Benton and Nalia Ahmed
Directed by Sarah Jones